The Knox Historical Museum has added two valuable articles about Union College's rich and extensive history, beginning back in 1879.
This information is now available in the KHM's school history, records and photographs section.
Read more: Union College Timeline and Historical Tour of Campus
The fall and winter issues of the Knox Historical Museum's quarterly magazine, The Knox Countian, are now available for purchase at the Museum itself in Barbourville or via the online museum store. The cost per magazine at the museum is $3 while the cost via the website is $3 plus 6 percent sales tax and a $1.25 shipping fee.
The following lists the major content of the two issues.
Read more: Fall and Winter Issues of Knox Countian magazine now available at museum
Several documents of interest were donated to the museum in May 2018 by Trent Hall. This was in memory of his son, Jason Hall, 1978-2011.
Documents include the following:
The Barbourville Utility Company is providing 1977 flood photos and current river levels at the following web address: See Flood Wall and River Level link at bottom of website page.
The city's floodwall was raised approximately 10 feet following the devastating 1977 flood. Torrential rain fell from April 2-5 that year, causing devastating floods across southeast Kentucky that killed 10 people.
Read more: Flood of 1977 photos published by Barbourville Utility Co.
The Knox Historical Museum houses a copy of an anthology focusing on Appalachia that was compiled through the cooperative efforts of Union College instructor Linda Oxendine and the members of The History of Appalachia Class in the fall semester of 1988.
Read more: A Look into Appalachia via essays by U.C. students in 1988
Items pertaining to Frances Jones Mills, a native of Gray in Knox County, Kentucky, were donated to the Knox Historical Museum on December 11, 2017.
Mrs. Mills was a state official in Kentucky for a large portion of the 1970s and 1980s. According to Wikipedia, "she was the first woman and first Democrat in the 20th century to win the office of State Representative for the Knox County, Kentucky district. She was also the first woman to serve three (non-successive) terms as Kentucky State Treasurer."
Read more: Donation to Museum of items about Frances Jones Mills